Soo Line Railroad
Employee and Public Timetables
Here are found scans of employee and public timetables issued by the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad ("Old Soo"), Soo Line Railroad Company, and Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway. Please note that all timetables were scanned one page at a time, and due to technical (and finanical) limitations, are presented as such. It is my hope to someday present them as single documents available for easier downloading. Also please note that, since the pages in most cases are rather large, the files are likewise rather large and may take time to download on slower connections.
Please click on the name of the timetable you wish to see. This will take you to a page with more details and additional information. Please note that, in many cases, I have also supplied scans of employee timetables of related subdivisions/lines of other railroads that the Soo Line used, for example, the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal RR between Franklin Park, IL and Chicago's Grand Central Station (passenger trains).
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad Employee Timetables
Minnesota Division #186
Winnipeg Division #51
Minneapolis-Duluth Division #12
Duluth-Superior Terminals (Minneapolis-Duluth Division) #65
Gladstone Division #21

Stevens Point Division (Wisconsin Central Railroad) #53
Soo Line Railroad Company Employee Timetables
System #1 (1985)
System #3 (1987, with ex-MILW lines)
Lake States Transportation Division #1
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad Public Timetables
February 1, 1928
October 15, 1946
June 14, 1955
Soo Line Railroad Company Public Timetable
October 30, 1966
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway Public Timetable
July 2, 1939